AI: Artificial Intimacy

September 11, 2024

A technology-enabled societal change that is unstoppable (and that's not necessarily a good thing).

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Why Do You or Do You Not Use AI Tools?

September 5, 2024

At a recent AI/GPT workshop, I asked participants why (or why not) they use AI tools.

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AI for EU Affairs

September 3, 2024

Launching the "AI for EU Affairs" *free* webinar series.

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European Parliament 2025 Agenda in Google Calendar [unofficial, free]

September 2, 2024

By popular demand, here it goes again!

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How Our Words Shape Our World | Andras Baneth | TEDxKULeuvenBrussels

August 28, 2024

How your words shape your world": truth, interpretation, manipulation, honesty, and political language... in my TEDx talk.

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Humor and Jokes

August 12, 2024

Humor ≠ jokes (they could be part of it).

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August 10, 2024

Many activists on both the Left and Right now hope to bring about their ideal world.

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Don't Use ChatGPT as Google

August 8, 2024

When experimenting with ChatGPT (or Gemini, or any other LLM), many people intuitively use it as Google, i.e searching for information.

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ChatGPT Across Occupations

August 7, 2024

I wonder where EU officials & MEPs would be in such a survey.

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The Real Disruption

July 27, 2024

One of the most important business lessons is that game-changing disruption doesn’t come from a much better product, because that is just competition doing its job (think Google vs Altavista, or Bing’s failure to dethrone Google).

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