AI Today, Tomorrow

October 29, 2023

This is incredible, scary, and insightful.

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Event Organization: Unveiling Ethical Challenges

October 26, 2023

Organizing events is increasingly an ethical challenge, or to put it another way, raises many ethical challenges.

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Give EPSO What It Needs to Do Its Job

October 25, 2023

Those looking to become EU officials need to be given a positive experience when “landing” an EU job and trying to pass the EPSO competitions.

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Politics and the English Language

October 18, 2023

Orwell, in 1946, wrote his famous 'Politics and the English language' to point out how words shape our understanding of the world.

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EU Lobbying Course

Strategic & political communication (and EU lobbying) course at ECS (European Communication School).

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Masterclass but for Lobbying

Apparently I'm in the illustrious group of 'celebrity experts'.

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EUbot and what professionals are interested in

September 18, 2023

A few days ago I tested an EUbot, a ChatGPT-powered chatbot on EU and public affairs. After some fanfare, I invited friends and peers from the EU bubble to test it. Testing, they did! Here are some of the questions that were entered (I cannot and will not identify the person who asked these questions, the bot only logs the input and the proposed reply).

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Revamp Conference Content!

September 11, 2023

Please. The conference season begins and many organizers are inclined to share photos of people sitting in a room looking at a speaker/presenter.

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Quality Evidence

September 8, 2023

Nice infographic by European Food Information Council (EUFIC) on what is 'quality' evidence.

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September 5, 2023

I'm fascinated by smart chatbots so I "built" (well, configured) an #EUbot, inspired by Aaron McLoughlin's recent post and blog.

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