The Best Government Relations Tracking & Analytics Tools for EU Public Affairs

December 6, 2017

As the public and government affairs function is becoming more professional and data-driven, a number of companies/tools have appeared on the European scene. Their mission: help lobbyists, regulatory managers and corporate affairs professionals track, monitor, analyse, log events and trends, and/or connect and engage with policymakers at EU institutions, government officials at local or national level, and stakeholders at large.

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Requiem for a European dream

November 24, 2016

The founding document of European integration, the Treaty of Rome is celebrating its 60th anniversary next year. Sadly, it may be its last one.

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The Rise of Digital Advocacy in the EU

October 8, 2015

How do I know if my communication efforts are going to pay off, in terms of time and effort invested?

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EUobserver: 'EU-funded lobbyists - why do they exist?'

July 8, 2015

The European Commission, most recently its DG Environment, has just released a report on the latest round of funding for "European environmental NGOs".

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TTIP: Winning the regulatory battle, losing the communications war

March 19, 2015

Debate on major policy issues is not about black and white arguments where the “true” one wins.

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