Who will be called up next to give evidence? An old Hutu commander, perhaps? Maybe they’ll dig up Pol Pot and let him rage against the Jews.
As technology accelerates, we need to stop accepting the bad consequences along with the good ones.
Adam Thomas Mouchtar feeling nostalgic about his #LikeYou campaign.
The inimitable Tom Moylan sharing his speechwriting secrets online to students at the ECS (European Communication School) despite logistical challenges.
Whenever I read news/posts on social media about politics and other controversial issues (i.e. anything these days), I'm reminded of the phenomenon of 'identity-protective reasoning'.
Halloween costume ideas for EUCareers enthusiasts.
Organizing events is increasingly an ethical challenge, or to put it another way, raises many ethical challenges.
A few days ago I tested an EUbot, a ChatGPT-powered chatbot on EU and public affairs. After some fanfare, I invited friends and peers from the EU bubble to test it. Testing, they did! Here are some of the questions that were entered (I cannot and will not identify the person who asked these questions, the bot only logs the input and the proposed reply).
Please. The conference season begins and many organizers are inclined to share photos of people sitting in a room looking at a speaker/presenter.