Public speaking

How Our Words Shape Our World | Andras Baneth | TEDxKULeuvenBrussels

August 28, 2024

How your words shape your world": truth, interpretation, manipulation, honesty, and political language... in my TEDx talk.

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US Presidential Election Debates

June 28, 2024

US Presidential election debates are usually fun and entertaining political communication shows.

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How to Use AI to Reach Your Target Audience

June 25, 2024

I wonder how my message will resonate with [fill in the audience]?

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TEDx Talk Lessons: Aligning Your 3 Speeches

June 24, 2024

Guido, my no-nonsense speaker coach, told me: "There are always 3 speeches we give: the one we plan to give, the one we actually give, and the one we wish we had given."

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How Giving a TEDx Talk Actually Works

June 20, 2024

As you may know, I recently gave a 12-minute TEDx talk, and I'm here to share my experience with you.

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Visual Presentation Masterclass

January 11, 2024

As a long-time fan of Yacine Kouhen's work and creativity, I'm so glad to host and promote his Visual Presentation Masterclass.

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AI Today, Tomorrow

October 29, 2023

This is incredible, scary, and insightful.

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Event Organization: Unveiling Ethical Challenges

October 26, 2023

Organizing events is increasingly an ethical challenge, or to put it another way, raises many ethical challenges.

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Revamp Conference Content!

September 11, 2023

Please. The conference season begins and many organizers are inclined to share photos of people sitting in a room looking at a speaker/presenter.

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On Cam

July 1, 2023

Recording eLearning courses is such an interesting experience.

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