EU Ordinary Legislative Procedure (OLP)

May 3, 2024
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This flowchart about the #EU Ordinary Legislative Procedure (OLP) was generated by a few simple prompts in #ChatGPT. It only took 3 minutes.

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(You can also do any process chart that is already documented, be it corporate, regulatory, or other.)

1. Prompt: "Create a step by step description of [the European Union's ordinary legislative procedure], paying attention to all details."

2. Prompt: "Create a flowchart from this, placing related steps together."

3. Prompt: "Create from these steps a mermaid code."

4. Click on "Copy code" in the black box.5. Open in a new tab the site

6. Click "Decide later", then Look for the "+" sign on screen

7. Click "Advanced", choose "Mermaid", select all what's there, then paste the code you had copied from ChatGPT

8. BINGO!—

UPDATE: as Pierpaolo Settembri pointed out, the end result is not very accurate - the lesson learned is that I relied on the publicly available information instead of providing a specific source, ie the Treaty or our e-learning course script, which has the entire process properly laid out. I will rerun the experiment with a better data set 🙌

(Interested in learning more about this or training your team? Stay tuned or get in touch ✌️#EUGPT , cc Jacques, Alan, Influence Builders Academy)