EUbot and what professionals are interested in

September 18, 2023
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A few days ago I tested an EUbot, a ChatGPT-powered chatbot on EU and public affairs. After some fanfare, I invited friends and peers from the EU bubble to test it.

Testing, they did!

Here are some of the questions that were entered (I cannot and will not identify the person who asked these questions, the bot only logs the input and the proposed reply).

I’ve now deactivated the bot as I want to move to a different platform and reconfigure it to be ‘smarter’. New version available soon on



The funny:

What do you think of Juncker, was he drunk?
Why is DG Regio such a waste of money?
Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?
Who were the EU founding fathers? Are there any EU founding mothers?
Which was Juncker’s favourite wine?

The geeky:

What would you say are the key EU policies right now?
What can the EU Commission do?
What are the delegated and implementing acts?
How do I measure EU affairs’ impact?
Who’s the most influential commissioner?
Who to contact to influence green policies?
How can I ensure EU policymakers on migration attend my event?
What are trilogue meetings?
Why is the Spitzenkandidat process dead?
What should you put in a position paper?
What is the difference between lobbying and public affairs?

The easy:

I want to work as president of the Commission
Best bar on Place Lux
Best café in EU quarter?
What are the best books to read about lobbying?

The nerdy:

What is comitology?
Explain the EU’s legislative procedure
What makes a good EU advocacy strategy?
Can you describe how EU policy is changing vis-a-vis China?

The easy:

What is the funniest country in Europe?
Who are the coordinators of the agri-committee
How do I write a public affairs strategy
How do you measure lobbying success?
What makes a persuasive communicator?
Is lobbying ethical in the EU? What about quaternate?
Can I lobby a Commissioner’s cabinet?