Gender Gap in AI Adoption

October 3, 2024

There is a gender gap that's not (yet) talked about: adoption of AI/GPT is much higher among men than women, especially at work.

When running workshops for EU, advocacy, and communication professionals, I also get the impression that AI is perceived to be a geeky/engineering tool which then tends to draw, at least in the beginning, more men to experiment with it. And yet, at its core, it is "everything but" an IT tool, and it aligns with something that women often excel in: empathy and communication (to the men reading this: no sarcastic comments, please 🙄).

The way to work with AI, especially ChatGPT/Gemini/etc. is by using human-centered language, combined with assertive business communication, and it becomes your most helpful companion.

Do you agree....?

**This was originally posted on Andras Baneth's LinkedIn account.