The Eurobarometer

April 18, 2024
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The 2024 #Eurobarometer survey, focusing on the European Parliament elections, has just been released ( You can upload the entire survey into #chatGPT or to ask questions and request advice. Here are 3 prompts you may want to try:

1. "Analyze the attached document. If I'm a liberal candidate in France for the European Parliament, what are the 5 main topics I should speak about to make sure it resonates with potential voters? How should I frame my message, taking into account the 'moral foundations' framework for better persuasion?"

2. "Using the survey's findings, I want to run an advocacy campaign in Greece to raise awareness about rare diseases and to encourage political support to increase funding for research in this field. Based on voters' concerns in that country, how should I present my arguments for maximum effect, also taking into account possible objections in my positive messaging?"

3. "Take the survey's findings for the Visegrád countries (HU, CZ, SK, PL) and suggest 5 ideas to include in a position paper. You represent a German car parts manufacturer and want to focus on voters and MEPs from that region to emphasize the importance of competitive salaries, investment in production facilities and smooth supply chains against the backdrop of deindustrialisation."

If you have interesting prompt ideas for public affairs professionals, please put it in the comments.

(Found this helpful? Feel free to share it. Stay tuned for our upcoming #EUGPT workshops with Jacques) cc Maria, Alan, Paul, Influence Builders Academy.