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In engineering, there’s a thing called a “hydrostatic stress test,” where they take pipes or fuel tanks or ship parts or whatever and they pump tons of water into them.
I recently invited my fellow public affairs professionals on LinkedIn to share their favourite podcasts. Here are the results:
On airplanes, there is a so-called 'inertial guidance system'.
Lucia Kleštincová probably wouldn’t work for the European Commission if it wasn’t for the training received from András Baneth – a household name for everyone who ever tried passing very competitive selection process for the European institutions. Listen to their conversation about the Brussels job market, how to build successful careers in the area of EU public affairs and what are the skills to develop if you wish to remain competitive in the future.
What trends will shape the European political arena & lobbying in the next 5 years? 5 take-aways, discussed today at the HOTREC – Hotels, Restaurants, Bars & Cafés in Europe general assembly in Dubrovnik (with quotes from James Stevens, VoteWatch Europe, European Parliament, Pew Research Center). Enjoy!
How does the 2019 EU institutional changeover affect European public affairs?
An interview with me in the Public Affairs Council’s December 2017 Impact newsletter on science, policy and communication. The decision by Sam Clovis to withdraw his name from nomination as Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Economics wasn’t just because of his relationship to a President Trump campaign adviser who lied to the FBI about his Russian connections.
As the public and government affairs function is becoming more professional and data-driven, a number of companies/tools have appeared on the European scene. Their mission: help lobbyists, regulatory managers and corporate affairs professionals track, monitor, analyse, log events and trends, and/or connect and engage with policymakers at EU institutions, government officials at local or national level, and stakeholders at large.
The founding document of European integration, the Treaty of Rome is celebrating its 60th anniversary next year. Sadly, it may be its last one.