Entangled Life

August 21, 2023

If you want to take a break from business, politics, self-help and all the noise, read this masterpiece before going back to work.

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European Parliament 2024 Agenda in Google Calendar [unofficial, free]

July 13, 2023

By popular demand, here it goes again! I often got frustrated that I had to download the PDF calendar of the European Parliament’s website to find out when are the Strasbourg plenary sessions, the committee weeks in Brussels and other details. As a result, I’ve created a free, public [unofficial] Google Calendar for 2024 that you can easily pull into your Android, iPhone, Outlook, or Google Calendar to see each week’s designation.

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On Cam

July 1, 2023

Recording eLearning courses is such an interesting experience.

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I Work for the Council

June 29, 2023

If you say “I work for the Council” in Brussels, it can mean...

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Algorithm vs. Public Opinion

June 20, 2023

Is public opinion shaped by the algorithm, or the algorithm is shaped by public opinion?

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Expectations vs Reality

June 8, 2023

Expectations vs reality spotted.

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The Ten Biggest Public Speaking Blunders

June 2, 2023

This one is really worth sharing more broadly #publicspeakingtips.

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Think Like a #Scientist

May 23, 2023

Think like a #scientist.

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The Parents Saying No to Smartphones

May 22, 2023

Losing a generation of young minds.

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The 26th Edition of the Ultimate EU Test Book

May 1, 2023

We've come a long way since 2005...

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