Framing is Everything

March 12, 2022

In (political) communication...

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LinkedIn vs Twitter

February 26, 2022

The difference in content on LinkedIn and Twitter could not be starker.

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February 26, 2022

A few days ago I posted this about how news about Ukraine was “missing” from LinkedIn.

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Work Is ‘Like a Family’

February 21, 2022

When a business is presented as a family, its workers may feel pressure to pledge an unreasonable degree of loyalty to their employer.

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January 25, 2022

Simple & clear.

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Corporations Are From Mars, Activists Are From Venus

January 25, 2022

If you are running a corporation, you’ve likely created thousands of jobs. You do cutting edge R&D. You contribute millions, if not billions, in tax revenue to the countries you operate in. You try to be transparent, ethical, and “do the right thing”. Regardless, you are under constant fire from activist groups, the media and a host of other stakeholders.

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Corporations Are From Mars, Activists Are From Venus

January 24, 2022

Corporations, NGOs, #lobbying: a 5-part framework.

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European Parliament 2022 Agenda in Google Calendar [unofficial, free]

December 16, 2021

By popular demand, here it goes again! I often got frustrated that I had to download the PDF calendar of the European Parliament’s website to find out when are the Strasbourg plenary sessions, the committee weeks in Brussels and other details. As a result, I’ve created a free, public [unofficial] Google Calendar for 2022 that you can easily pull into your Android, iPhone, Outlook, or Google Calendar to see each week’s designation.

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Digital Body Language

December 15, 2021

How long should you wait before you follow up on an email?

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Did You Know?

December 2, 2021

Did you know that brain issues affect 1 out of 3 Europeans?

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