25 Powerful Concepts Everyone Should Know

September 13, 2022

The curse of knowledge. The paradox of persuasion.

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European Parliament 2023 Agenda in Google Calendar [unofficial, free]

September 2, 2022

By popular demand, here it goes again! I often got frustrated that I had to download the PDF calendar of the European Parliament’s website to find out when are the Strasbourg plenary sessions, the committee weeks in Brussels and other details. As a result, I’ve created a free, public [unofficial] Google Calendar for 2023 that you can easily pull into your Android, iPhone, Outlook, or Google Calendar to see each week’s designation.

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September 1, 2022

Though my train was not affected by the recent outages, I got an email from the Thalys CEO.

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The New EPSO System

July 4, 2022

In 2020 EPSO implemented a five-year strategic plan to adapt the selection process based on changing recruitment needs, and a fast-changing world...

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Ryanair - Europe's Favourite Airline

June 14, 2022

Corporate communications is often trite, politically correct and meaningless.

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Why LinkedIn Is So Cringe

May 9, 2022

The answer is in its business model and algorithm.

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When Science Becomes Politics

May 2, 2022

When #science becomes politics (risk assessment vs. risk management), it risks losing credibility.

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My Venn Diagram

April 7, 2022

My Venn diagram trying to show where the sweet spot is. What do you think..?

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Though This Be Madness, There Is Method in It

“Though this be madness, there is method in it” (from Shakespeare’s Hamlet) is a great motto for advocacy and communication strategy.

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When the War Is Finally Over

March 13, 2022

The political communication and social media strategy of President Zelensky and all Ukrainians...

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