Articles & Blog

Defending Democracy, Freedom, and the Rule of Law

March 22, 2024

These principles are worth speaking up and fighting for every day.

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The Evolution of Amazon and Nokia in the Digital Age

March 21, 2024

From bookstore to infrastructure giant: Navigating the evolution of Amazon and Nokia in the digital age.

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The Role of High Representative

March 14, 2024

Here is a small illustration about the role of High Representative - (Commission) Vice-President.

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Dive into EU Institutions and History Today!

March 11, 2024

Get in touch if you're interested in licensing the full 10-hour EU history, decision-making & institutions package.

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Ambiorix Center

March 5, 2024

Ambiorix Center

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Unlocking GPT Power

March 1, 2024

Simple and great tips to get the most out of GPTs for communication professionals.

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Content Moderation

February 29, 2024

We all know this yet it this technological (and social) change seems unstoppable.

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Trust, Collaboration, and Gratitude in the Digital Era

February 26, 2024

16 years ago I was fascinated by the websites and (which have since merged and became Upwork).

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Slow --> Fast --> Dopamine Culture

February 25, 2024

Slow --> Fast --> Dopamine culture. Fun in the short run, unsustainable in mid/long-range.

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